Sample Curriculum - 3 Day Clinic

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Below is a SAMPLE of a previous clinics curriculum:

Three Day Clinic

Day One:      

9:00 - 9:15  Introduction, Materials, Resources and House Rules

9:15   DogBodyCare (DBC) Troubleshooting Checklist (Where are we going and why.)

  1. Spine  (the zigzag puzzle) 
  2. Head  (the yes  movement)
  3. Neck  (the no movement) 
  4. Front leg (ear stretch) 
  5. Hind leg (fetal vs. confident) 
  6. Ribs  (play the piano) 
  7. Tail (more of the zigzag puzzle)

10:00 Handling skills – Safety, Behavioral Factors, Learning in Dialogue  (Setting the Foundation.)

  1. Tools
  2. Teaching a Conditioned Response/Markers
  3. The “Settle” command
  4. Give and Take, factors of dialogue

10:45 Break

11:00 Movement Evaluation (What are we looking at and why does it matter.)

  1. Planes of flexion: longitudinal, lateral, diagonal
  2. Arcs of movement
  3. Parity/symmetry
  4. Quiet Zones
  5. Compensatory patterns
  6. Behavioral parameters of movement

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch/Dog free time   Lunch provided

1:00 The Canine Kinaesthetics™  Protocol demo (The full 40 point protocol, with its landmarks.)

  1. Hand position, body position
  2. The count: Touch, pause, in, 2, 3, hold, 2, 3, out, 2, 3.
  3. The feedback game: pause on behaviors (all behaviors)
  4. The point of resistance
  5. The release

2:00  The Pressure Scale (How much is enough/too much or now we play with playdoh.)

  1. Finger position
  2. Pressures
  3. Blind touching
  4. The release

2:30  Canine Kinaesthetics™  The Map  – Session One  (Let your fingers do the walking.)

Hands on assisted exercise with students working in pairs to work on a dog of their choice, going all the way through the protocol. During this first session we will be working together piece at a time to begin to familiarize students’ hands with the landmarks, the rhythm, and the behavioral dialogue.  This is your first day in language class – the language of touch, just let your fingers do the walking.

4:00 - 4:15 Closure, Ahhas, Q and A

Day Two:

9:00 – 9:15 Q and A

9:15 – 10:15 Canine Kinaesthetics   Demo  - Review protocol and landmarks.

10:30  Canine Kinaesthetics™ The Map – Session Two  (Different dog) (Setting the patterns in place for our hands, and learning to chart a session.) Introduction to charting.  Students will work either in pairs or singly, at their preference, proceeding through the protocol at their own pace.  Staff will be assisting finger placement, handling, and behavioral dialogue details.

11:45  Feedback from Session two

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch and dog free time  – Lunch provided

1:00   Canine Kinaesthetics™  A Detailed Look – Session Three (Refining the hand positions with respect to the various parts of the body.  The critical five zones.)  This will be a combination demo/hands on exercise where we refine the use of our hands in these critical zones.  Staff will be demoing and coaching while each student is working with a dog.  Students may use the dog from Session One if they would like.

  1. Shoulders
  2. Ribs
  3. Back
  4. Pelvis
  5. Neck and head

3:00 - 3:15  Break

3:15 - 3:30  Feedback from Session three

3:30  Canine Kinaesthetics™ On Your Own – Session Four (Your first full detailed session on your own.  Students will pick a  different dog.) Each student will be working on a dog through the entire protocol with staff assisting as necessary.  Each student will keep a chart of their session.
4:30   Feedback to Session four, Ahhas, Questions
Group dinner in the evening, at people’s pleasure.  

Day Three: 

9:00   Check in/Feedback – Where are we at with our hands? Review pressure scale, rhythm of the touch, landmarks. Q and A’s.
9:30   Observation: Socialization Class - Focus on movement and movement/behavioral analysis.
10:30  Canine Kinaesthetics™ Practice Session  Session Five (Pick your challenge and focus on it.  Introduction of timing a session.)  This will be the first timed session with students working on an hour time clock.  Time will be called at 15" intervals.  Breathe everyone breathe.  We are there to help you.

11:30  Charting, Movement evaluation and Feedback to Session Five                         

12:00 - 1:00  Lunch and dog free time.   Lunch provided

1:00   Canine Kinaesthetics™ Practice Session   Session Six (Second timed session, dog of your choice, needn’t be a challenge.) Your second timed session, you will be left to your own devices for this session.  No coaching, unless you really get stuck.

2:00 - 2:15  Break

2:15 - 4:00  Canine Kinaesthetics™  Practice Session Session Seven (Relax and enjoy) Your last session, untimed.  Just allow yourself, your fingers and your dog to enjoy the journey.

4:00 - 4:30  Wrap Up

(It’s 5:00 somewhere......)